Lots of fresh sausages…

It’s one off those weekends!  Four of the Saddlebacks had a day trip this week and we have lots of pork in store and on the menu.  Tuscan fennel sausages aplenty – we made some 50 kilos of fresh sausage yesterday and those who have tasted them suggest these might be the best yet!  Also on the menu will be our delicious Brawn served with Rye toast and Gherkins, Shoulder Vindaloo with a Cucumber Raita and Smoked Bacon with Lentils.  Finally, the roast on Sunday will be one of the shoulders cooked slowly for 18hrs and served with possibly the best Roast Potatoes in the county. 

Better weather in the Channel this week so some lovely fish arriving tomorrow morning – Lemon Sole, Sea Bass and glistening fresh Hake.  All 3 will be available “wet” in the shop or cooked in the restaurant.  Do come and join us for Whole Roast Lemon Sole, Sea Bass Ceviche and Oven Roast Hake on a bed of Beluga Lentils with Wild Garlic Salsa.

For those who haven’t yet made plans for the weekend, why not join us for a cocktail and a nibble late afternoon or even an early dinner tomorrow?  The weather is looking pretty kind, the garden is starting to grow and the light from the westering sun should be beautiful tomorrow evening.