The Circle of Life at the farm…

So all change at the farm this week.  While the last month has seen some of the older pigs from last year “leaving”, this week the larger of our Saddleback sows has started nesting gone into labour.  The Cycle of Life never stops turning and, although the labour seems painfully long, we hope to have some new arrivals by Saturday.  If you are visiting this weekend you may be lucky enough to get a viewing!

Not to be outdone, the birds are going broody as Spring progresses.  Many of you have had “conversations” with our very chatty Tom turkey over the last few weeks – Toms or Gobblers develop fantastically colourful Caruncles (warts), Wattles (jowls) and Snoods (nosedrops?) when they are mating.  Although seemingly a little confused as to the object of his desire – he gobbles at anyone who approaches the enclosure – we are delighted that one of the Turkey Hens has gone broody and is currently sitting on 10 eggs.  Jennies (one year old hens) are not always successful at hatching but we are optimistic that we might have our first farm born poults over the next month!

Many of you have also seen that we have a broody hen or two – the most determined is nesting directly under the Bread Oven by the Glasshouse – she has been in there for nearly two weeks so we may have some new chicks by next weekend.

So plenty to see as you wonder around the farm this weekend.  Plenty of delicious things on the menu as well.  Limited fish this week but lots of pork from the Saddlebacks:  Smoked Bacon, Tuscan Sausages, Crackling, Brawn and, of course, the 18 Hour Roast Shoulder on Sunday.  On the poultry side, we have a new dish of Confit Red Bourbon Turkey served with Watercress Salad – our delicious take on the more conventional Confit de Canard – and a return of our slow cooked Coq au Vin with Alouette potatoes.